Sunday, 20 September 2009

Resident, not Tourist

The end of this weekend marks my third week in London. It is hard to believe that I have really been here while my friends at Wake are going about their daily routine of classes, sorority events and football games. It is going to be a shock to return and see all new freshmen faces! 
But meanwhile, I am loving London and am finally feeling like a real resident as opposed to the tourists I see on the tube. I smile every time I see them, shaking my head that I am no longer here for a "short visit". This week flew by with my class field trip to "The Wright Stuff", a UK live television show, my PR presentation on the Tate Modern launch, Fashion Night at Opal lounge, my PR internship interview at Braben PR, and Churchill's War Room Museum visit. There is so much to do here I worry I won't be able to fit it all in and get at least 8 hours of sleep a night :)

My amazing "British Television Studies" teacher, Christine, took us on Tuesday to Princess Productions to participate as part of a live audience for "The Wright Stuff", a discussion based television talk show in the UK. After successfully making it to the studio on the tube with Calais and Kendall, we were given the discussion topics, including the issue of distributing free heroin to addicts as a way to prevent crime and health risks. Calais and I ended up sitting in the front row, unaware that the side tv camera was in our face for a majority of the hour long show! Being part of the audience was incredibly exciting and thrilling-the producers and host went out of their way to chat with us and answer whatever questions we had. Overall, it changed my opinion of live broadcasting and still seems like an amazing professional opportunity.

In my "Strategies in UK PR" class on Wednesday, my group gave a presentation on the PR tactics used in the launch of the Tate Modern. The Tate Modern is not only the first modern art museum in London, but one of the most popular. It was satisfying to finally present a case study on something I find incredibly interesting and applicable, and each day I feel as if I am in a crash course on successful PR strategy. It is just what I had hoped for :)

After a long week of classes (they are four hours long Monday through Thursday!), our new friends Jimmy and Steve stopped by my room to mention an event for Fashion Week on Thursday night. Fashion Week brings out masses of models and photographers, and we were invited to an event around the corner at an underground lounge called Opal. I had a great time people watching and dancing on the mirrored dance floor, still in shock that I am able to go from an academic lecture to a lounge and still feel immersed in British culture.

Here is a picture of the girls before our trendy night out...Frannie, and Avery (on the left) are two Tridelts from Wake, and Natasha and Simone are new friends from Colby College.

After a great night out, I woke up early Friday to prepare for my PR Internship interview with Braben PR, an entertainment and media based PR firm here in London. The internship is in conjunction with my classes at BU, but I was still anxious about making a good impression. As I looked over my questions and resume on the tube, it hit me again how fast I am acclimating to this new environment. It is incredibly liberating  and a little intimidating to do everything by myself! I made it there without managing to get lost, and had a great interview with my two supervisors. There is a dynamic feel to Braben's office environment, and I can't wait to get started on Oct.13th!

For dinner, Calais and I made an impressive meal of chicken with garlic and lemon, green beans and tomatoes, tortellini, and mango. Yum. I was so proud of us-aren't you, mom?? I am starting to really like cooking although coming up with new recipes is a challenge!

Saturday morning consisted of sleeping in (finally!), and heading out for our tour of Winston Churchill's War Rooms in Westminster. Simone, Calais, Caroline Lewis and I took the tube over, only to realize upon exiting, that there was a some sort of blockade on the street. It turns out that the Cycling Tour of Britain was going on. That is what amazes me the most about this city--although I'm used to a big city, London always has some event going on that we happen to stumble upon. After watching the cyclists whiz by, we crossed the street to the tiny entrance to the War Rooms.

The War Rooms were designed by Churchill at the beginning of the Second World War as a covert location from which he could fight the war. The rooms are tiny and cramped, but cover a vast amount of underground where hundreds of typists, decoders, war advisers and politicians worked throughout the air raids and the eventual end of the war. Totally worth the trip-and incredible to think that one man had such an impact on not only the war, but London 's identity.

However, I will guiltily admit that my favorite part of the day was our trip back to the Crofton, when we stopped off at the infamous HUMMINGBIRD BAKERY. I have been dying to go since I first heard about its amazing red velvet cupcakes, and they did not let me down!  Those of you who come visit, be prepared for a trip to South Kensington for amaziinggg cupcakes. It was a good day :)

I will add, that I am so incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful roommate. Devon is a music student  from Cape Cod. Not only is she unbelievably talented, but a great listener and a fantastic roomie! Thank god I have her...thank you Devon, for all the support recently. :) It means a lot.

I'll try and keep the updates coming! Miss you all and counting down the days until I get to see you all :)

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